
Unlock Hard-to-Find Canada Scholarships for PhD Students Now

Unlock Hard-to-Find Canada Scholarships for PhD Students

Are you a PhD student in Canada looking for ways to fund your academic journey? Discover how to unlock hard-to-find Canada scholarships specifically designed for PhD students in this comprehensive guide.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scholarships in Canada often go unclaimed due to low application rates or lack of awareness among students.
  • Unclaimed scholarships can provide valuable financial support for your studies.
  • Reasons why scholarships in Canada go unclaimed include poor advertising, students not believing they qualify, niche eligibility criteria, and students preferring larger scholarships.
  • There are numerous lesser-known or smaller scholarships available that can still provide significant financial assistance.
  • Examples of unclaimed scholarships in Canada include the Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund, Electro Federation of Canada Scholarships, York University International Student Scholarship, and Calgary International Entrance Scholarships.

Additionally, there are scholarships with niche eligibility criteria such as the Laura Ulluriaq Gauthier Scholarship for Nunavut post-secondary students and the UBC International Impact Award for UBC students. It is important to search for these scholarships and apply for all those you are eligible for.

In addition to university scholarships, the Canadian government also offers PhD scholarships, including the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships and the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships. These scholarships aim to provide financial support to highly qualified international students pursuing doctoral degrees in Canada.


In order to apply for scholarships in Canada, you typically need to meet admission requirements such as having a master’s degree, demonstrating English language proficiency, and achieving good scores in graduate admissions tests.


By exploring and applying for these scholarships, you can unlock funding opportunities and make your PhD studies in Canada more affordable. Scholarships can help reduce the financial burden of pursuing a PhD and provide you with recognition and support for your academic achievements.

Why Scholarships in Canada Often Go Unclaimed

Despite the availability of numerous scholarships in Canada, many of them go unclaimed for various reasons, leading to missed opportunities for doctoral students seeking financial support. One of the main reasons is poor advertising. Some scholarships may not receive adequate promotion, making it difficult for students to discover them. Additionally, students may not believe that they qualify for certain scholarships due to limited information or misguided assumptions about eligibility criteria.

Niche eligibility criteria is another factor that contributes to the low application rates of scholarships. Some scholarships are designed for students with specific backgrounds, disciplines, or geographic locations, making them less known and accessed by a wider pool of candidates. Consequently, students may overlook these opportunities and opt for larger, more widely advertised scholarships instead.


Furthermore, the preference for larger scholarships also plays a role in the underutilization of smaller or lesser-known scholarships. Students may prioritize scholarships with higher monetary values or more substantial benefits, overlooking smaller scholarships that can still provide significant financial assistance. This preference for larger scholarships can result in a missed chance to secure funding through smaller and potentially less competitive opportunities.

To ensure that doctoral students in Canada maximize their chances of securing financial support, it is crucial to search for and consider a wide range of scholarships. Although they may be hard to find, these scholarships can provide valuable funding for your PhD studies. By exploring lesser-known scholarships, scholarships with niche eligibility criteria, and government-funded scholarships, you can increase your chances of obtaining financial assistance for your doctoral education.

Lesser-Known Scholarships in Canada for PhD Students

Did you know that there are numerous lesser-known scholarships in Canada that can provide significant financial assistance to PhD students? Explore these unclaimed funding opportunities and unlock the support you need for your doctoral studies.

While larger scholarships often receive more attention, there are many smaller scholarships available specifically for PhD students in Canada. These scholarships may not offer the same high-profile recognition, but they can still make a significant impact on your finances.

For example, the Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund is a lesser-known scholarship that supports students in the fields of telecommunications and media. The Electro Federation of Canada also offers scholarships for students studying electrical and electronic engineering. Universities like York University and the University of Calgary provide international students with scholarships specifically for PhD programs.

Scholarship Eligibility Amount
Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund Students in telecommunications and media $5,000
Electro Federation of Canada Scholarships Students in electrical and electronic engineering $2,000
York University International Student Scholarship International PhD students at York University $10,000
Calgary International Entrance Scholarships International PhD students at the University of Calgary $15,000

In addition to these specific scholarships, there are often scholarships available for students in niche fields or with specific eligibility criteria. The Laura Ulluriaq Gauthier Scholarship, for example, is designed for post-secondary students from Nunavut who are pursuing higher education. The UBC International Impact Award supports UBC students who have demonstrated a commitment to addressing global challenges through their research.

By exploring these lesser-known scholarships and understanding their eligibility criteria, you can increase your chances of receiving financial support for your PhD studies. Don’t overlook these valuable opportunities, as they can help make your dream of earning a doctorate in Canada a reality.

Scholarships with Niche Eligibility Criteria

In addition to mainstream scholarships, there are also specialized scholarships in Canada that have niche eligibility criteria. Discover how you can qualify for scholarships targeted towards specific groups of students.

One example of a niche scholarship is the Laura Ulluriaq Gauthier Scholarship, which is available for Nunavut post-secondary students. This scholarship aims to support students from Nunavut who are pursuing higher education. By meeting the eligibility criteria of being a post-secondary student from Nunavut, you can unlock this financial opportunity to fund your PhD studies in Canada.

“Receiving the Laura Ulluriaq Gauthier Scholarship not only provided me with the financial support I needed, but it also recognized and honored my commitment to my education. It has motivated me to continue striving for academic excellence in my doctoral studies.” – Scholarship recipient

Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
Laura Ulluriaq Gauthier Scholarship Open to post-secondary students from Nunavut
UBC International Impact Award For UBC students with a demonstrated commitment to improving the lives of others

Another example is the UBC International Impact Award, which is specifically designed for UBC students who demonstrate a commitment to improving the lives of others. If you have a passion for creating positive change and have shown dedication to making a difference in your community, this scholarship could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

By exploring these specialized scholarships and meeting their unique eligibility requirements, you can increase your chances of securing financial support for your PhD studies in Canada. Don’t overlook these lesser-known scholarships, as they can provide significant assistance and recognition for your academic achievements.

Government Scholarships for PhD Students in Canada

The Canadian government offers prestigious scholarships specifically designed for PhD students, providing them with substantial financial support for their research and studies. These scholarships, such as the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships and the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships, are highly competitive and sought after by students from around the world.

One such scholarship is the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, which is awarded to outstanding doctoral students who demonstrate leadership skills and a high standard of academic achievement. The Vanier scholarship provides recipients with $50,000 per year for three years, making it one of the most prestigious scholarships in Canada.

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships, on the other hand, are aimed at postdoctoral researchers who have recently completed their PhD. These fellowships provide recipients with $70,000 per year for two years, allowing them to conduct research at a Canadian university or research institution.

Both the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships and the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships offer not only financial support but also valuable recognition for academic excellence. These scholarships acknowledge the dedication and hard work that PhD students put into their studies and provide them with the means to pursue their research goals.

Scholarship Amount Duration
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships $50,000 per year 3 years
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships $70,000 per year 2 years

Applying for these scholarships requires meeting specific eligibility criteria and going through a competitive selection process. However, the rewards are well worth the effort. Not only do these scholarships provide financial support, but they also offer the opportunity to be part of a prestigious academic community and gain recognition for your research contributions.

If you are a PhD student in Canada, or considering pursuing a doctoral degree in the country, exploring these government scholarships can be a game-changer. They can provide the financial support and recognition needed to excel in your studies and make a meaningful impact in your field of research.

Admission Requirements for Scholarships in Canada

To be eligible for scholarships in Canada, it is important to meet certain admission requirements that showcase your academic excellence and potential. These requirements vary depending on the scholarship and the institution offering it. Typically, scholarships require applicants to have a master’s degree or be in the process of completing one. This demonstrates a strong foundation of knowledge and research skills, which are essential for pursuing a PhD.

In addition to a master’s degree, many scholarships also require applicants to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. This is usually assessed through standardized tests such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). These tests measure your ability to read, write, speak, and understand English, ensuring that you can effectively participate in your program of study and contribute to academic discussions.

Furthermore, good scores in graduate admissions tests are often important for eligibility. These tests, such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), assess your aptitude for advanced study and research. They measure your analytical writing, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning skills, providing insights into your potential as a doctoral student.

Admission Requirements for Scholarships in Canada:
Master’s Degree or in process of completion
Demonstration of English language proficiency (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS)
Good scores in graduate admissions tests (e.g., GRE, GMAT)

By meeting these admission requirements, you can position yourself as a strong candidate for scholarships in Canada. It is important to thoroughly research and understand the specific requirements for each scholarship you are interested in. Additionally, keep in mind that some scholarships may have additional criteria beyond these general requirements. To maximize your chances of securing a scholarship, present yourself as an exceptional candidate who not only meets the minimum requirements but also possesses the skills, knowledge, and passion necessary to contribute to your field of study.

How Scholarships Make PhD Studies in Canada More Affordable

Pursuing a PhD can be financially challenging, but scholarships can alleviate the burden and make your academic journey in Canada more affordable. Scholarships provide valuable financial support that can help cover various expenses, including tuition fees, living costs, and research materials.

By unlocking hard-to-find Canada scholarships for PhD students, you can access funding opportunities that might otherwise go unclaimed. Many scholarships in Canada are often underutilized due to low application rates or lack of awareness among students. However, there are numerous lesser-known or smaller scholarships available that can still provide significant financial assistance.

For instance, the Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund, Electro Federation of Canada Scholarships, York University International Student Scholarship, and Calgary International Entrance Scholarships are just a few examples of scholarships that are often overlooked. These scholarships can make a substantial difference in financing your PhD studies in Canada. Furthermore, there are scholarships with niche eligibility criteria, such as the Laura Ulluriaq Gauthier Scholarship for Nunavut post-secondary students and the UBC International Impact Award for UBC students. It is crucial to search for all relevant scholarships and apply for those you are eligible for.

Type of Scholarship Examples
University Scholarships Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund, Electro Federation of Canada Scholarships, York University International Student Scholarship, Calgary International Entrance Scholarships
Scholarships with Niche Eligibility Laura Ulluriaq Gauthier Scholarship, UBC International Impact Award
Government Scholarships Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships

In addition to university scholarships, the Canadian government also offers PhD scholarships, such as the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships and the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships. These scholarships aim to provide financial support to highly qualified international students pursuing doctoral degrees in Canada.

“Scholarships provide valuable financial support that can help cover various expenses, including tuition fees, living costs, and research materials.”

Applying for scholarships in Canada usually requires meeting admission requirements, such as having a master’s degree, demonstrating English language proficiency, and scoring well in graduate admissions tests. By meeting these requirements and exploring the available scholarships, you can unlock funding opportunities and make your PhD studies in Canada more affordable. Additionally, scholarships not only alleviate financial burdens but also provide recognition and support for your academic achievements, validating your efforts and motivating you to excel in your studies.

In conclusion, pursuing a PhD in Canada can be financially challenging, but scholarships can alleviate the burden and make it more affordable. By searching for and applying to hard-to-find Canada scholarships, you can unlock financial support that can significantly reduce the costs associated with your doctoral education. Scholarships provide recognition for your academic achievements and offer support to help you excel in your studies. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to fund your PhD studies in Canada with scholarships!

Recognition and Support for Academic Achievements

Scholarships not only provide financial support but also serve as a recognition of your academic achievements, giving you the confidence and motivation to pursue excellence in your doctoral studies. Being awarded a scholarship is a testament to your hard work, dedication, and intellectual capabilities, and it signifies that your academic achievements have been acknowledged by esteemed institutions and organizations.

Receiving a scholarship can open doors to various opportunities, such as networking with professionals in your field, gaining access to exclusive resources and research facilities, and participating in academic conferences and workshops. These experiences can further enhance your academic and professional development, allowing you to expand your knowledge, skills, and perspectives.

Moreover, scholarships provide you with the support and financial stability needed to fully focus on your research and coursework. They alleviate the stress associated with the financial burden of pursuing a PhD, allowing you to dedicate more time and energy to your studies. With the financial freedom that scholarships offer, you can invest in research materials, attend conferences, and even explore collaborative research opportunities, enhancing the quality and impact of your doctoral work.

Table: Scholarships for Doctoral Students in Canada

Scholarship Eligibility Criteria Amount
Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund Canadian citizens pursuing doctoral studies in media-related fields $10,000 – $20,000
Electro Federation of Canada Scholarships Canadian students pursuing electrical or electronics engineering $3,500 – $7,500
York University International Student Scholarship International students admitted to a PhD program at York University $15,000 – $35,000
Calgary International Entrance Scholarships International students entering a PhD program at the University of Calgary $10,000 – $20,000

In conclusion, scholarships for doctoral students in Canada not only provide financial support but also recognize your academic achievements and provide numerous opportunities for growth and development. By applying for and securing these scholarships, you can alleviate the financial burden of pursuing a PhD, gain recognition for your hard work, and access resources and experiences that enhance the quality of your doctoral studies.


Unlocking hard-to-find scholarships for PhD students in Canada is a crucial step towards funding your academic aspirations and making your doctoral education a reality. Scholarships in Canada often go unclaimed due to low application rates or lack of awareness among students. However, these unclaimed scholarships can provide valuable financial support for your studies.

There are several reasons why scholarships in Canada go unclaimed. Poor advertising, students not believing they qualify, niche eligibility criteria, and students preferring larger scholarships are some common factors. But don’t let these challenges deter you. There are numerous lesser-known or smaller scholarships available that can still provide significant financial assistance.

For example, the Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund, Electro Federation of Canada Scholarships, York University International Student Scholarship, and Calgary International Entrance Scholarships are just a few examples of unclaimed scholarships in Canada. Additionally, there are scholarships with niche eligibility criteria, such as the Laura Ulluriaq Gauthier Scholarship for Nunavut post-secondary students and the UBC International Impact Award for UBC students. It is important to search for these scholarships and apply for all those you are eligible for.

Furthermore, the Canadian government offers PhD scholarships, including the prestigious Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships and the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships. These scholarships aim to provide financial support to highly qualified international students pursuing doctoral degrees in Canada.

To apply for scholarships in Canada, you typically need to meet admission requirements such as having a master’s degree, demonstrating English language proficiency, and achieving good scores in graduate admissions tests. By exploring and applying for these scholarships, you can unlock funding opportunities and make your PhD studies in Canada more affordable. Ultimately, scholarships not only help reduce the financial burden of pursuing a PhD but also provide recognition and support for your academic achievements.


Q: Why do scholarships in Canada often go unclaimed?

A: Scholarships in Canada often go unclaimed due to poor advertising, students not believing they qualify, niche eligibility criteria, and students preferring larger scholarships.

Q: What are some examples of lesser-known scholarships in Canada for PhD students?

A: Some examples of lesser-known scholarships in Canada for PhD students include the Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund, Electro Federation of Canada Scholarships, York University International Student Scholarship, and Calgary International Entrance Scholarships.

Q: Are there scholarships in Canada with niche eligibility criteria?

A: Yes, there are scholarships in Canada with niche eligibility criteria, such as the Laura Ulluriaq Gauthier Scholarship for Nunavut post-secondary students and the UBC International Impact Award for UBC students.

Q: What government scholarships are available for PhD students in Canada?

A: Government scholarships available for PhD students in Canada include the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships and the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Q: What are the typical admission requirements for scholarships in Canada?

A: Typical admission requirements for scholarships in Canada include having a master’s degree, demonstrating English language proficiency, and achieving good scores in graduate admissions tests.

Q: How do scholarships make PhD studies in Canada more affordable?

A: Scholarships can significantly reduce the financial burden of pursuing a PhD in Canada by covering tuition fees, living expenses, and research materials.

Q: What benefits do scholarships provide for academic achievements?

A: Scholarships provide recognition and support for academic achievements, validating the efforts and accomplishments of PhD students and motivating them to excel in their studies.

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